var DHTML_ARROW_MIN = 37; var DHTML_ARROW_MAX = 40; var DHTML_LEFT_ARROW = 37; // left-arrow var DHTML_UP_ARROW = 38; // up-arrow var DHTML_RIGHT_ARROW = 39; // right-arrow var DHTML_DOWN_ARROW = 40; // down-arrow function tabClick( nTab ) { event.cancelBubble = true; el = event.srcElement; for (i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) { tabs[i].className = "clsTab"; newsContent[i].style.display = "none"; } newsContent[nTab].style.display = "block"; tabs[nTab].className = "clsTabSelected"; } function ToggleDisplay(oButton, oItems) { if (( == "") || ( == "none")) { = "block"; oButton.src = "../image/minus.gif"; } else { = "none"; oButton.src = "../image/plus.gif"; } return false; } function leftnav_keyup() { var iKey = window.event.keyCode; // BUGBUG: IE4 returns BODY instead of element with the focus. Use event object instead //var oActive = document.activeElement; var oActive = window.event.srcElement; if( DHTML_LEFT_ARROW == iKey || DHTML_RIGHT_ARROW == iKey ) { if ('clsTocHead' == oActive.className) { // handle headings that expand/collapse HandleKeyForHeading(oActive, iKey); } else if( "A" == oActive.tagName ) { MoveFocus( oActive, iKey ); } } return; } function MoveFocus( oActive, iKey ) { iSrcIndex = oActive.sourceIndex; if( iKey == DHTML_RIGHT_ARROW) { while( oItem = document.all[ ++iSrcIndex ] ) { if( !leftNavTable.contains( oItem ) ) return; if( "A" == oItem.tagName ) { oItem.focus(); break; } } } else { while( oItem = document.all[ --iSrcIndex ] ) { if( ( "clsTocHead" == oItem.className || "clsTocHead" == oItem.parentElement.className ) && "A" == oItem.tagName ) { oItem.focus(); break; } } } } // Handle keyboard action on a section function HandleKeyForHeading(oActive, iKey) { sActiveId =; oItem = document.all[ sActiveId + "Items" ]; oBtn = document.all[ sActiveId + "Btn" ]; if( ( "block" != ) ^ ( DHTML_LEFT_ARROW == iKey ) ) { ToggleDisplay( oBtn ,oItem ); } else { MoveFocus( oActive, iKey ); } } function handleMouseover() { eSrc = window.event.srcElement; eSrcTag=eSrc.tagName.toUpperCase(); if (eSrcTag=="DIV" && eSrc.className.toUpperCase()=="CLSTOCHEAD") = "underline"; if (eSrcTag=="LABEL")"#003399"; } function handleMouseout() { eSrc = window.event.srcElement; eSrcTag=eSrc.tagName.toUpperCase(); if (eSrcTag=="DIV" && eSrc.className.toUpperCase()=="CLSTOCHEAD") = ""; if (eSrcTag=="LABEL")""; } document.onmouseover=handleMouseover; document.onmouseout=handleMouseout;